Time to pack your bags! Because, here is a list of amazing countries that provide free education for the International Students.
Germany tops the list of minimal or free education to international students. Most of the public universities of Germany do not charge tuition fees, but the nominal universities do possess some charges. But annually the rates of payments will be again minimal compared to the other countries.
Norway is one such amazing countries, beautiful in weather, nature and also in education. Many professional 9club courses, graduations, post graduations, doctorate level education are all free of cost. Even the living price is comparatively lowered and is a student-friendly country.
Sweden is a beautiful country which has student-friendly schemes and study plans. They do possess some minimal application, graduation and post-graduation fees, but the higher levels like doctoral or PhD is free and is considered as one of the best. They even provide other allowance for students to take care of their educational expenses.
In Austria, non-EU/EEA students have to pay a nominal tuition fee per semester, but that would not cost much compared to the other expensive countries. It is very low pricing in nature and the quality of education obtained is to the very next level.
One of the most significant countries in the entire globe is Finland. It is an excellent centre when it comes to education. Finland does provide free education to all the nationality students. But few of the institutes charge a nominal fee for non-EU students who want to study English masters.
Czech Republic
In the Czech Republic, education is free along with a nominal charge for particular disciplines. The law never stops you from choosing any subjects and bars no restriction for nationalities.
France is the most desired countries for higher studies. The country is unique in mature and provides free education for all nationality aspirants. They do possess some specific charges on fewer disciplines. But again the costs will be highly minimal and do not drain student enthusiasm during the tenure of study.
International students who pick certain subjects have to pay a minimum fee in Belgium. But most of the times, the students wish to choose this landscape because of the unique variant of Belgium culture.
Greece is an authentic part of the globe. The land is also considered as the land of gods. It is one of the trendy places where students rush to articulate in the cultural evolution and feast of Greece. They charge some minimal fee to the international students.
Like most of the European Countries, Spain also provides free education of EU students, but charge a minim fee when it comes to the international aspirants. Spain is also known for its low cost of student life and education.